Our alternative products and custom fund structures offer access to well-researched managers and are designed to provide diversification, mitigate risk, and enhance returns.

Institutional investors
Empower your investment team with innovative technology and investment solutions.
Our Unbundled OCIO platform supports institutional investors with internal investment teams—from the chief investment officer, to investment analysts, to operations personnel—by providing them with alternative investment products, automated investment processing, and powerful portfolio analytics.
Our alternative products and custom fund structures offer access to well-researched managers and are designed to provide diversification, mitigate risk, and enhance returns.
Explore all of your assets, all in one place with a fully reconciled and enriched investment book of record (IBOR). Outsource your IBOR construction with SEI’s managed data services or curate it in-house by empowering your investment team with data enablement technology.
Achieve total portfolio visibility with SEI Novus technology, delivered via flexible dashboards and reporting tools. Better understand your multi-asset class investments, and plan future investments. Analyze exposure, performance, attribution, and risk at the aggregate level, or drill into themes and categories across the portfolio.
Misunderstood exposures, misreported performances, unaccounted cash, liquidity mismatches, and fraudulent managers can all pose monumental risks for investment organizations. SEI’s experience and technology can help improve accuracy throughout the investment processes, deliver advanced risk management support, and guide broader governance efforts.
As a leading fund administrator, investment operating platform developer, and investment services provider, we’re familiar with the challenges investment teams face to stay on top of processes and costs. We strive to provide cutting-edge technology and top-notch services to optimize your target operating model—all the while providing a streamlined and cost-effective approach to managing your investments.
Services provided by SEI through its subsidiaries and affiliates.