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Merging success: Leading through change

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Kristen Bauer:
Hello, I'm Kristen Bauer, CEO of Laird Norton Wealth Management.
Kristen Bauer:
What I think makes a successful leader in times of change and great stress is starting out by listening to all voices in the room and all stakeholders, but having the fortitude to make some of the tough decisions. Incorporating all the thoughts and voices, but moving forward with a decision with some strength and clarity.
Kristen Bauer:
How I've led during this time of change is really focusing on our values and our culture. Clarifying what our values are, where we're going, what our true north is, and the impact that people can make. Listening to the voices of all stakeholders, really honing in on what their passions and purpose are and providing a place where people can feel like they can make their greatest impact.

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Global wealth management leaders on how they approach and implement change with an eye on the future.