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Five strategy considerations for nonprofits amid volatility

February 22, 2023
clock 3 MIN READ

Nonprofits have had a lot to overcome in recent years, and while some react by making changes to their asset allocation, fundraising, or spending, that’s not always the best option. Market volatility can hit hard, even when you try to prepare for it, and it impacts more than just your organization’s plans. Donors and partners are impacted too. But we have some ideas on how to turn those disappointing cards to a hand with the potential for shoring up against market volatility. Here are five considerations to help strengthen your strategy for the future.

Five considerations for your strategy during market volatility

Given the perpetual nature of most foundation portfolios, revisiting the strategic asset allocation to ensure it still aligns with your mission and goals is prudent, and helps to prevent short-term reactions based on current and changing market conditions. As always, it is wise to perform detailed risk analyses, like stress tests, that quantify potential impacts to portfolio values, liquidity, and spending distributions.

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This information is provided by SEI Investments Management Corporation (SIMC), a registered investment adviser and wholly owned subsidiary of SEI Investments Company (SEI). 

Investing involves risk including possible loss of principal. There can be no assurance goals will be met nor that risk can be managed successfully. This material represents an assessment at a specific point in time and is not intended to be a forecast of future events, or a guarantee of future results. This information should not be relied upon by the reader as research or investment advice and is intended for educational purposes only.

Insights for nonprofits