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Gartner® report: three actions to protect your cybersecurity budget

November 27, 2023
clock 1 MIN READ

It’s difficult enough to defend budget in a normal economy, but this is not a normal economy. Between inflation, recession, and layoffs, leadership teams are scrutinizing cybersecurity budgets, and cybersecurity teams must defend themselves or risk defunding.  


“Cybersecurity leaders must improve their budgeting processes to ensure they demonstrate how cybersecurity supports the achievement of business objectives."

In Gartner’s new cybersecurity report, “How to Responsibly Defend Cybersecurity’s Budget During Economic Headwinds,” you’ll learn three actions you can take to safeguard your people and cyber budget. You’ll also gain insight into cybersecurity leaders’ budget expectations for the rest of the year, as well as characteristics of security budgets that may be vulnerable to cuts.

You’ll get advice on how to:

  • Benchmark your cybersecurity program to justify your resourcing needs 
  • Formalize your budgeting process using a cybersecurity roadmap 
  • Align cybersecurity spend to business outcomes 

Take action: Download Gartner's report

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Gartner, Quick Answer: How to Responsibly Defend Cybersecurity’s Budget During Economic Headwinds, William Candrick, Richard Addiscott, 12 April 2023.

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