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Gaining clarity on business goals

September 15, 2022
clock 2 MIN READ

I always disliked the question, “What do you want to do when you grow up?” It forces someone to give a single rigid answer that ticks a box, without acknowledging a lifetime of ongoing exploration and personal growth.

It’s the same reason that I feel bad when I ask, “What are your business goals?” People rarely respond with a truthful, “I don’t know.” I often get that wordy response that you give a consultant or coach when you aren’t sure but feel like you should know.

First, it’s OK not to know and there isn’t a right answer.

Second, there is a method I’ll share with you to gain valuable insights to inform your goals.

Third, most things in life aren’t set in stone, including your goals.  

The circle-of-life exercise

If you’ve ever engaged a coach (which I highly recommend if you’re pushing outside of your comfort zone), you may have done the circle-of-life exercise. In this exercise, you rate different areas of your life from a 0-10 scale. Typically, the lowest scores show you the greatest opportunities for growth, which is where most coaches focus first.

The magic of the exercise is what you do next. Across each area, consider what a nine or 10 looks like to you. This is an opportunity to dream big. Your answers may surprise you and they are hints at who you want to become.

Our Business Audit Tool

You can apply this same exercise of acknowledging where you are and allowing yourself to dream bigger in your advisory business using the Business Audit Tool. It takes only a few minutes and can provide direction on where to focus and what success means to you. The beauty of the exercise is that no matter how many times you do it along your professional journey, it always give you new insights.

Back to the “What do you want to do when you grow up” question: If you’re guilty of asking it, please consider this alternative, “Who do you want to be when you grow up?”

Before we force ourselves and others into rigid paths and boxes, let’s have the grace to allow ambiguity and exploration.

I wanted to be an architect when I grew up (and a hundred different things since then). I’m still not sure what I want to do when I grow up, but I know who I want to besomeone who helps others unlock their potential. I want to use the expertise I’ve gathered to help people grow both professionally and personally.

Who are you becoming?     

Shauna Mace, CHPC

Head of Practice Management

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