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Prospectuses for SEI funds

SEI Global Assets Fund (SGAF)

SEI Global Investments Fund (SGIF)

SEI Global Master Fund (SGMF)

Memoranda and articles of association

Semi-annual reports (December 2023)

Annual reports (June 2023)

SEI UCITS fund prices

Country registrations

Investor reporting documents

United Kingdom reporting fund status

SEI Global Master Fund German tax reporting documents (AKG2)

European Union Savings Directive

Swiss tax

Sustainable finance

In accordance with EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (“SFDR”), please find set out below information regarding the approach that SEI Investments Management Corporation (“SIMC”) and SEI Investments Global, Limited (“SIGL”) have adopted in respect to sustainable finance.

Sustainability-related disclosures

The financial product information referred to in Article 10(1) of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 is published on this website and can be accessed from the following links:

Principal adverse impacts statement

SIGL does not currently consider the adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors for various reasons, including the nature of the funds managed by SIGL and the fact that the content, methodologies and presentation of sustainability indicators in relation to the adverse impacts are still developing at industry level. SIGL in consultation with SIMC may reconsider its position in relation to the publication of adverse impacts in the future and, if it determines to provide such information, this website disclosure shall be updated accordingly. 

Details of the SEI Investments Global, Limited (“SIGL”) Principal Adverse Impact Due Diligence Policy can be can be accessed from the following link:

ESG policy

Details of SIGL’s approach to integrating environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) factors into listed equities and fixed-income investments, including consideration of sustainability risks are outlined in our ESG policy.

Remuneration policy

View the Remuneration Policy for SIGL. At present SIGL does not incorporate sustainability risks into its remuneration framework.

Engagement policy

Privacy policy

Summary of UCITS shareholder rights

Key investor information documents (KIIDs)

Please note, the Supplementary Information Document (SID) provides additional useful information you should be aware of before investing with us.

Historical ongoing charges  The Historical KIIDs OCF (ongoing charges figure) shown in previous versions of the KIIDs (Excel file).